About the MJC

Mutualist journal club

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


About the journal club

The Mutualist Journal Club is a forum in which members inform each other about publications of interest to mutualists and sympathizers. The journal club is meant to allow members to stay informed about news relevant to mutualism without needing to scour every publication in existence.

The following topics are generally relevant to mutualism, but members are not limited to posting on these topics.
  1. Civil rights
  2. State intervention in the economy (monopolies, subsidies, etc.)
  3. Mutualist institutions (money, insurance, defense, etc)
  4. Libertating tools and technologies
  5. Social movements with shared goals
  6. The spread of mutualist ideals
When members find articles relevant to mutualism, they can create a new blog post with a link to that article, along with a brief description (1-2 paragraphs) of why the content is interesting to mutualists. An easy way to do this is to use the Blogger "blog this!" bookmarklet.

To expand the range of publications that we cover, members should refer to the journal listing and try to monitor journals that are not being monitored by others in the group. Also, members should not repeatedly post articles from the same source, such as their own blog or a mutualist-themed blog.

Members can stay informed about new posts by adding the XML syndication to their RSS feed-reader.

An alternative method of accomplishing the same goal is to use the Del.icio.us or CommonTimes bookmarking systems to label websites as "mutualist". A blog-based system was chosen because it allows members to say why they believe that the article is of interest to mutualists and it also allows comments.

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