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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Economic contract theory tests models of mutualism — PNAS

Economic contract theory tests models of mutualism — PNAS

This is just some evolutionary/ecological modeling of how mutalism arises in nature. I found it interesting because it contrasts "forced" cooperation against "voluntary" cooperation, and they decided that voluntary cooperation was more likely to emerge (among organisms incapable of planning). In this situation, "forced" means that one cooperator would make its own cooperation dependent upon the behavior of the other participant, whereas "voluntary" means that each participant gives freely and benefits from the increased growth/power of the other.

Monday, September 06, 2010


ACTA Text Leaks; US Caves On ISPs, Seeks Super-DMCA

Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | ACTA Text Leaks; US Caves On ISPs, Seeks Super-DMCA


WikiLeaks Calls For Assange To Step Down

Slashdot News Story | WikiLeaks Calls For Assange To Step Down

A Sweedish prosecutor has re-opened the rape case against Assange. Several people inside of Wikileaks are insisting that Assange resign his position until he is cleared of these charges. They deny Assange's assertion that the accusations are obviously meant to discredit him becauso of his role in Wikileaks.


M2Z's Free, Wireless Broadband Killed In Advance

Slashdot Mobile Story | M2Z's Free, Wireless Broadband Killed In Advance

M2Z's proposal for free (but slow) nationwide broadband was nixed by the FCC. The Slashdot crowd speculates about an ISP cartel being involved.

Saturday, September 04, 2010


Righthaven's Brand of Copyright Trolling | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Righthaven's Brand of Copyright Trolling | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Righthaven is just the latest group of lawyers to try to turn copyright litigation into a business model. What these lawyers have in common is that they seek to take advantage of copyright's draconian damages in order to bully Internet users into forking over money.


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