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Monday, November 21, 2005


Medical Progress Today | Spotlight: Aspirin: Not Approvable

via Marginal Revolution

Some insight on the drug development process, with an emphasis on the logic and impact of the FDA regulatory system and the threat of lawsuits against drug manufacturers. Of course, this is just part of a bigger picture that includes the prescription and patent systems.
Medical Progress Today | Spotlight: Aspirin: Not Approvable: "With all the headlines in recent years about dangerous prescription drug side effects, many people must be wondering what happened to the days of safe, reliable medicines. Where are the new drugs that can get the job done safely? Where are the new aspirin, penicillin, acetaminophen?

As a drug discovery researcher, I can tell you something that might sound crazy: many of these older drugs would have a hard time getting approved today. Some of them would never even have made it to the FDA at all."

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