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Monday, February 06, 2006


InformationWeek | Wi-Fi | Wi-Fi Startup Gets Funding From Google, Skype | February 6, 2006

InformationWeek | Wi-Fi | Wi-Fi Startup Gets Funding From Google, Skype | February 6, 2006

A Spanish company called Fon has gotten some big corporations to support it in it's project to set up a sort-of peer-to-peer wireless internet system. On the up side, it seems like this project will encourage the development of a decentralized communication infrastructure. On the down side, it seems like these companies are trying to own the infrastructure.

This is probably not an original thought, but it seems like a lot of capitalists focus on the ownership of society itself, as opposed to the ownership of tools; this project seems to be based on the same premise. A lot of modern American businesses are based on control of culture (copyright), control over information sharing (file format monopolies), or control over productive institutions themselves without significant material property (software companies).

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